Result of AGM 24th June 2012 Abolishment of Proxies

25/06/2012 15:16


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Sunday 24th June 2012

25 June 2012

Held at:

Mytilenian Brotherhood of Sydney and NSW Limited

225 Canterbury Road,

Canterbury NSW 2193 at 2.00PM


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the company was held in accordance with sections 249 and 250 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) on Sunday 24th June 2012 at 2.00PM.

Number of Members present: 93 (satisfies the quorum requirements)

Number of Proxy votes: 54

The following resolutions were put forward for approval as Special Resolutions in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 and the agenda which was approved as distributed by the members’ present:

To consider and if deemed fit, pass the following resolutions amending the Company’s Constitution as special resolutions:

a)   Remove Articles 39, 40, 41 and 42 relating to the ‘instrument of proxy’ and any references relating to ‘proxy’ in Articles 33 (b), 36 and 37.

b)   If the above is not approved, a new Article 38 (a) be added that each voting member be entitled to ONE (1) PROXY only using a current proxy form stamped and signed by the Secretary in office.

Resolution (a) was approved by a majority of 87%. (74 members + 54 proxies = 128 votes) 128 members vote in favour out of 147 members present including proxy votes.

Resolution (b) was not considered since (a) was approved.

Therefore, the result confirms a clear majority over 75% in favour to abolish the Proxies from the Constitution.

The offical document is located below.

Constitution Amendment 24th June 2012.pdf (1,1 MB)


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